Публикации (Мадлович, на английском языке)

2025 „The Fatal Combination: How Democracy Died in Russia and How It May Survive in Ukraine” (with Bálint Magyar), Ideology and Politics Journal, 2024/2. Link. PDF.

2025 „Why America Won’t Become Hungary: Trump, Musk, and the Limits of MAGA Autocracy” (with Bálint Magyar), Foreign Affairs, February 10. Link.

2024 „Samuel Rogers, Political economy of Hungarian authoritarian populism: capitalists without the right kind of capital» (review), Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, November 26 (ahead-of-print). Link.

2024 „Dávid Jancsics, Sociology of corruption: patterns of illegal association in Hungary» (review), Democratization, October (ahead-of-print). Link.

2023 „Iván Szelényi, From State Socialism to Post-Communist Capitalism. Critical Perspectives” (review), Europe-Asia Studies 75:9, pp. 1580-1582. Link.

2023 „From “actually existing socialism” to actually existing post-socialism: János Kornai and the importance of language reform in political economy” (with Bálint Magyar), Acta Oeconomica 73:S1, pp. 27-46. Link. PDF.

2023 „Why the Polish Elections Cannot Be Repeated in Orbán’s Hungary” (with Bálint Magyar), Review of Democracy, CEU Democracy Institute, 23 October. Link.

2023 ed. Russia’s Imperial Endeavor and Its Geopolitical Consequences: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume Two (co-edited by Bálint Magyar), CEU Press. Link. PDF.

2023 ed. Ukraine’s Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One (co-edited by Bálint Magyar), CEU Press. Link. PDF.

2023 „Kacyński’s Poland and Orbán’s Hungary: Different Forms of Autocracy with Common Right-Wing Frames in the EU” (with Bálint Magyar), UC Berkeley Journal of Right-Wing Studies 1:1, pp. 2-36. Link. PDF.

2023 „Ukrainian Regime Cycles and the Russian Invasion” (with Bálint Magyar), CEU DI Working Paper series, 17 May. Link.

2023 „Towards a set of indices for relational economy on the example of Hungary” (with Bálint Magyar), Acta Oeconomica, 73:1, pp. 101-127. Link.

2023 „Hungary’s Dubious Loyalty: Orban’s Regime Strategy in the Russia-Ukraine War” (with Bálint Magyar), CEU DI Working Paper series, 27 February. Link. In Hungarian (summary).

2022 A Concise Field Guide to Post-Communist Regimes: Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics (with Bálint Magyar), CEU Press. Link.

2022 „Hungary 2022: The Re-Elected Autocrat” (with Bálint Magyar), Nederlandrechstaat, 13 April. Link.

2022 „Hungary’s Manipulated Election” (with Bálint Magyar), Project Syndicate, 4 April. Link. In German, Czech, Greek, Slovenian. In Hungarian (summary).

2022 „Hungary 2022: Election Manipulation and the Regime’s Attempts at Electoral Fraud” (with Bálint Magyar), CEU Democracy Institute, 31 March. Link. PDF. In Hungarian. In Polish (summary). Revised version (February 16, 2024).

2021 „Populism as a Challenge to Legal-Rational Legitimacy: The Cases of Orbán and Trump” (with Bálint Magyar), Social Research: An International Quarterly, 88:4, Winter 2021, pp. 827-855. Link.

2020 „The EU’s Misconceived Cohesion” (with Bálint Magyar), Project Syndicate, 23 December. Link. PDF. In Hungarian, Spanish, Chinese, French.

2020 The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Conceptual Framework (with Bálint Magyar), Budapest-New York: CEU Press. PDF.

2020 „Modelled Trajectories of Post-Communist Regimes” (with Bálint Magyar), European Dialogue Expert Group, 7 July. Link.

2020 Hungary, in: Inozemtsev, V. (Ed.), Authoritarian Response to the Pandemic: Cases of China, Iran, Russia, Belarus and Hungary. Free Russia Foundation, Washington D.C., pp. 77-93. PDF.

2020 „Post-Communist Predation: Modelling Reiderstvo Practices in Contemporary Predatory States” (with Bálint Magyar), Public Choice. Link. PDF.

2019 „Criminal State and the Criminal Ecosystem” (with Bálint Magyar), Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law Moscow. Link. PDF.

2019 „From Petty Corruption to Criminal State: A Critique of the Corruption Perceptions Index as Applied to the Post-Communist Region” (with Bálint Magyar), Intersections — East European Journal of Society and Politics, v. 5, n. 2 Link. PDF.

2019 „Stubborn Structures: A Path-Dependence Explanation of Transitions in the Postcommunist Region” (with Bálint Magyar), Social Research: An International Quarterly, v. 86, n. 1. Link.

2019 „Hungary’s Mafia State Fights for Impunity” (with Bálint Magyar), Project Syndicate, 18 June. Link. PDF. In German, Polish, Hungarian (extended version), Albanian, Chinese.

2017 It’s Not Just Hate: Attitudes toward Migrants in a Dominated Sphere of Communication in Hungary, in: Mikecz, D. (Ed.), After the Fence: Approaches and Attitudes about Migration in Central Eastern Europe. European Liberal Forum — Republikon Intézet, Budapest, pp. 6–31. PDF.

Балинт Maдьяр и Балинт Maдлович