Offering a single, coherent framework of the political, economic, and social phenomena that characterize post-communist regimes, The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes is the most comprehensive work on post-communist regimes to date. Focusing on Central Europe, the post-Soviet countries and China, the study provides concepts and theories to analyze the actors, institutions, and dynamics of post-communist democracies, autocracies, and dictatorships.
This website contains the book in PDF format, the draft of a seminar with prepared syllabus and PPTs, a 3D interactive model for post-communist regimes trajectories, supplementary material (including the appendix), other works from the authors, related events, and more.

Bálint MAGYAR (*1952) (CV) is a Senior Research Fellow at CEU Democracy Institute (since 2020), holding University Doctoral degree in Political Economy (1980) from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. He has published and edited numerous books on post-communist mafia states since 2013. He was an Open Society Fellow for carrying out comparative studies in this field (2015-2016), Hans Speier Visiting Professor at New School (2017), Senior Fellow at CEU Institute for Advanced Study (2018-2019), and Research Fellow at Financial Research Institute (2010-2020). Formerly, he was an activist of the Hungarian anti-communist dissident movement, founder of the liberal party of Hungary (SZDSZ, 1988), Member of Hungarian Parliament (1990-2010), and Minister of Education (1996-1998, 2002-2006).

Bálint MADLOVICS (*1993) (CV) is a Junior Research Fellow at the CEU Democracy Institute (since 2020). He holds an MA in Political Science (2018) from Central European University in Budapest, a BA in Applied Economics (2016) from Corvinus University of Budapest, and a BA in Sociology (2021) from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. He contributed a chapter to one of Bálint Magyar’s volumes on the post-communist mafia state of Hungary, and has co-authored past and upcoming publications since 2015. He was a Research fellow of Financial Research Institute in Budapest (2018-2019).
Website owner: Bálint Magyar
Managing editors: Bálint Magyar and Bálint Madlovics
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